FFT (Effing First Time) by Brenè Brown
What I learned when I listened to “Unlocking Us” by Brenè Brown
I am going to admit, I am scared to write a blog!
What if people, most of all, my family, my friends, and my co-workers laugh at me? And what if blog will not be successful?
According to “Unlocking Us” with Brenè Brown podcast, I am overwhelmed with emotions because I am in the FFT “Effing First Time” moment. I think I don’t know what I am doing so I am second guessing myself.
As I was driving to work today, I took the plunge and started listening to Brenè Brown’s new podcast. The first episode was titled FFTs. I thought to myself, what the heck is that? The description wasn’t clear, but it didn’t matter; I love listening to Brenè Brown, so I was sure it was going to be good. It was so good I pulled over on the side of the road, put the hazard lights on and began to write this post.
Before listening to the podcast, I had been struggling to launch content for my blog. I had been spending time over the past year, creating ideas for my blog, researching how to build a website, researching how to create content, and learning how to monetize the blog. But a blog isn’t a blog without written content.
Avoidance. I realize I was becoming GREAT at avoiding the purpose of my blog.
FFT (Effing First Time). That’s where I am. I am past the point of feeling excited with the prospect of sharing my stories, and I am now in the thick of making it a reality. I realized for the first time this phrase summed it up. The phrase is precisely my problem.
I am a runner. I have run four half marathons. However, I wasn’t always a runner. I didn’t start running until my oldest daughter joined Girls on the Run. I learned to run through that program while coaching the girls. Soon after, two of my friends and I were off running three times a week. It wasn’t too long after that when we decided to push ourselves by running our first half marathon without any formal training. Out of the four half marathons I have run, the first half marathon was the best race I have ever completed.
When I take a moment to apply my journey of learning to be a runner to becoming a blogger, I realize I can do this. I will take small steps; I will embrace every new goal I set for myself. Each goal achieved makes me stronger for the endurance of the race.
I will put myself out in front of people because I am an Influencer. I have always been an Influencer; it is one of my most substantial assets.
So when you are starting something new and have reached a hurdle within yourself, stop to ask yourself are you experiencing an FFT?
Well, I completed my first official post! I am now on my way to achieving the next goal.
Brown, Brenè, host. “Brenè on FFTs” Unlocking Us with Brenè Brown, Spotify, 20 Mar 2020. https://brenebrown.com/unlockingus/